Ensure the Quality and Purity of Your Fuel
Send Fuel Samples to the Waterford Lab for Analysis
Waterford Oil partners with a state-of-the-art laboratory dedicated to the testing and analysis of various fuels for microbial growth or contamination issues.
The Waterford Fuel Testing Program Includes:
- Aviation Fuel
- Biodiesel & Biofuels
- Diesel Fuel
- Ethanol & Ethanol Fuel Blends
- Gasoline
- Marine Fuel
- Oil Analysis
- Coolant Analysis (special kit required)
- Diesel Fuel Analysis (special kit required)
- Sampling Accessories (extractor pumps, tubing)
- Live Sampling Accessories (pressurized ports, live sample caps)
Types of Tests Included in Fluid Analysis
- 23 Elements
- Viscosity at 100 C
- Fuel Dilution
- Water
- Antifreeze
- Oil Condition (Oxidation / Nitration / Sulfation)
- Soot
Fuel Sample Packaging/Shipping Instructions:
Please contact Waterford Oil and request a kit. Coolant and Diesel Fuel Sampling must be sampled with separate kits – ask your sales representative for details.
Turnaround time from receipt of fuel sample is 24-48 hrs.
Contact us at 507-645-5659 or click here to discuss any questions about our fuel sample testing programs.